Football Subscriptions & Registration Form​​​​

Registrations for the 2024 season are now closed.

** You will receive a confirmation email once registration is complete (check your spam folder if you do not recieve in your inbox)**

This year we will using our website platform, Sporty, to manage our registrations. This will mean you no longer need to have a username and password through the national registration system COMET. 

Please note the registration form you fill in is for the player so please use their details.  A separate form must be filled in for each player

You can use any device to register on

Our subs for the 2024 season are outlined below. These subs must be paid in full by 30th May 2024 to confirm your place in a team. Account Westpac 03-1597-0013393-00

First Kicks (4-6 yr olds) - $90.00

Fun Football (7th & 8th grade) - $120.00

Mini Football (9th - 12th grade) - $150.00 (incl playing shirt for 9th grade) 

Youth Football (13th - 19th grade) - $175.00 (incl playing shirt for 14th - 19th grade) 

Senior/Masters - $300.00

Returning players in the 10th to 13th Grade that have out grown their current shirt can purchase a new playing shirt at a cost TBC

* By completing the below Online Registration Form you are accepting that you agree to Parklands United Sports Club's Payment Information which can be found on the link